Menno met klasgenoot in de kano |
Vrijdagavond hebben we Menno, na een paar dagen in Dinant te zijn geweest, weer opgehaald bij school. Het enige wat we hoorde toen ze aankwamen was "dat het er een ouwe zooi, ouwe troep" was ... en verder waren ze allemaal erg moe en ging iedereen direct na aankomst naar huis...
Daar gaan ze naar beneden... |
Iris en Jip in de kano..... |
Menno..ff een bergje pakken...... |
Nog meer klimmen en klauteren.... |
Kano varen, abseilen en bergbeklimmen is natuurlijk ook wel erg hard werken, of waren het misschien de lange nachten? Heeft er eigenlijk wel iemand geslapen?
Het park in Dinant met die "ouwe zooi"... |
Bus in het park.. |
Ik geloof dat zij zich ondanks de "ouwe zooi" toch wel heel erg vermaakt hebben......
2 opmerkingen:
Hoi Maud,
It looks like they had lot's of fun. The climbing looks difficult.
I've done a little canoeing but no kayaking. My brother and his family canoe and kayak a lot in The Yukon (where they live).
Heeft er eigenlijk wel iemand geslapen? Probably not too much. :)
Hey Menno, It could have been worse. You could have stayed in tents. :)
@Leon: Hi Leon,
Yes, the climbing looks difficult but Menno said it went good. There was this lifeline all the time, there was no danger at all, he said.
Ofcourse, you're right this here was a kayak, but we in Holland all call them canoes. They are not so common here in the Netherlands, in Begium they are very popular, because there are lots of mountains en wildwater streams. We don't have mountains, Holland is very flat....
No, you're right they all slept hardly...
Sleeping in a tent? No that's something Menno never liked. He did that ones, had enough after one night!
The cabins in this park they stayed were pretty bad. The windows spontaneously fell out and if you opened the door of the kitchen cabinet it fell down. The beds were very bad....
Yes we know, Menno grew up in luxury! Hope he finds out that some day....
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